SLAM Teachers

Multimedia Teacher
Tony Farley
Multimedia 1 is for Sophomores. Students learn photography, photoshop, video, web, graphics.
Advanced Multimedia is for seniors who use what they learned for special projects.

Video Production Teacher
Amanda Mýrdal
SLAM Juniors take Video Production and learn camera, lighting, storytelling, and editing.

Sophmore and Junior English Teacher
Cheryl Farley
Slam Sophomores and Juniors will have media style English Assignments with Mrs. Farley (unless they choose to take an AP English course instead).

US/World History and Econ/Gov Teacher
Sean Tobin
Slam Sophmore, Juniors, and Seniors will have Mr. Tobin for their social studies courses.

Senior English Teacher
Jill Synnott
Slam Seniors will have Ms. Synnott for English unless an AP class is instead taken.